Tyler “Sarge” Grumman

From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Role: Team Leader

“Sarge” is the grizzled veteran of a thousand battles on foreign and domestic soil. airborne, delta, and an instructor at Glynco before joining Colonel Tankersly in the newly formed RIOT Force as its only command sergeant major and senior enlisted advisor. Tough but fair, he drives the team with a hardnosed standard of duty and doggedness that is almost mechanical. Despite this leatherneck exterior, Grumman is fiercely loyal to his friends, his commander, and has a wry sense of humor. He doesn’t tell you to embrace the suck without fully embracing it himself.

Tom Walker

From: Chicago, Illinois
Role: Reconnaissance 

Tom grew up racing motorcycles on the south side, and after a stint in the Army Rangers, returned stateside where he joined RIOT Force to put his fearlessness and resourcefulness to use against the kind of criminal gangs who made his childhood perilous. Proud and stubborn, Tom never backs down from a fight, for better or worse.

Kirin Harris

From: Houston, Texas
Role: Marksman

Flamboyant and devil-may-care, Kirin grew up around guns and is capable both of putting metal on target, and of making it fun. An analytical mind makes the prediction of systems seem nonchalant. Confident, cool, and consistently upbeat. Tapped for riot force straight from Glynco, Kirin is its least disciplined member. A thrill seeker, full of life, Kirin always approaches a new challenge zestfully.

Dana Zhinu

From: Los Angeles, California
Role: Cyber Warfare

Dana’s family left Hong Kong after the Chinese takeover, and she’s been on the front lines of the pro-democracy battleground there her whole life. An expert’s expert on computer systems, dana uses her skills to fight crime on this side of the pacific, and to support those who resist autocracy on the other. She also enjoys gardening, ballroom dancing, and power tools.

Nadiah Hashim

From: Columbus, Ohio
Role: Pilot

Born to parents from Brunei, Nadiah is focused to a fault, very competitive, always wants to be the best in a dogfight, knife fight, or verbal sparring match. Nadiah's intensity and her rank as a warrant officer set her apart from the rest of the team, but they know they can count on her when an airlift or air support is required.

Simon Gibbons

From: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Role: Demolitions

A former Navy Seal, the only thing Sim likes more than drinking like a fish is blowing things up. Sim takes his job seriously, but you might not realize it in between all the wisecracks and practical jokes. Passionate about Cajun cuisine and New Orleans jazz.

Colonel Ed Tankersly

From: Detroit, Michigan
Role: Commander

Ed and Tyler Grumman came up through the ranks together, although on either side of the officer / enlisted divide. Each trusts the other implicitly, and so the rest of the team trusts Ed even when he is aloof or inscrutable. A gifted mechanical engineer, Ed often invents experimental hardware for the team to test out.